Given the grouchy mood that I can't seem to shake, it only seemed appropriate that I spend some time writing about reasons to smile. Because I love lists, here's 25 neatly numbered reasons:
1) Camp Fire is finally taking shape and the curriculum planning has been a blast! I have loved the process of figuring out how to start this club and I'm looking forward to running it even more.
2) My current status as a stay at home Momma allows me to spend lots and lots of time at the school, volunteering. This is one of the things I have been most looking forward to and I'm grateful that I get to give my time and energy to the people who are teaching our children.
3) My hair is finally what I want it to be. It's been years since I've been happy with it.
4) Every morning, when Connor wakes up, he crawls into my arms and holds me for 10 minutes before he can function. I love those 10 minutes and look forward to them every day.
5) The 2 minutes I spend every morning driving away from the school, without any children in my car, are some of the happiest moments of my day.
6) The smile on Connor's face when he gets off the bus and the way he immediately launches into tales of his day are also some of the happiest.
7) My friends and the smiles they always have for me never fail to make my day brighter. We really do have the best circle of people ever.
8) Despite a 3-day heat wave, Autumn is marching closer every day. When I drive to the farm stand each Saturday to get our weekly produce, the pumpkin fields get more and more orange. Makes this cold-weather lover happy.
9) We have a home, enough money to feed and take care of our family and little extras that make it all worth it. I never want to be someone who forgets to be grateful for those gifts.
10) Kelly. Marriage is not always a cake walk, but in the end, my best friend is by my side each night and the first smile I see each morning.
11) Listening to the kids' conversations during the morning and afternoon drives to and from school. I pretend to read, but really, I'm listening to them and learning so much about what they do and how they view the world. It's fascinating, funny and unnerving all at the same time.
12) The progression of pot-smoking rights in this country. We get closer every day to a world where alcohol isn't the only legal option to take the edge off.
13) Apples. Apples are my favorite fruit to eat and cook with and this is their season! Yay for applesauce, apples with caramel and apple crisp!
14) Miley Cyrus. I know, I know...this one is weird. But honestly, watching people be so crazy makes me happy. I like crazy. I like chaos and I keep my life pretty ordered. Watching someone else's chaos makes me happy.
15) Bailey and all her fucking spunk! Lordy, that child will never, ever let me rest...but god, I love her! She is so driven, funny, crazy, sweet and loving. She makes me so proud every day.
16) Our bed. I know this is a weird one, but honestly, our bed is the best ever. Every single time I get into it, I'm happy we purchased it and I can't imagine ever being comfortable without it. :-)
17) Christmas is coming. There are only 104 days until that magical day and many fewer until I can actually kick off the holiday season!
18) Macho Sluts. It's a great book and one I can't stop reading, even though I've read it a million times since last year.
19) MichFest and knowing that every day bring me closer to next year.
20) Nights around the fire pit, friends over for BBQ's and lots of beer. This is my favorite part of Autumn.
21) Football. I finally get a year where I can care again. Since the kids have been born, I have taken on the job of keeping the kids occupied so that Kelly could watch football. Now they are old enough to handle it themselves (basically) and they even like to watch with us! Football is finally what I was hoping it would be...
22) A few of our friends have some pretty awesome things going on in their lives. I am so happy for them and I love sharing their joy.
23) Guacamole. This is probably not a great reason to be happy...but guacamole on everything makes it better. Yum!
24) Therapy. I have health insurance now, and with it, therapy benefits. I can't wait to get started...
25) And last but not least...miraculously, the 3 1/2 years I went without seeing a doctor didn't seem to phase my body. I am in good health with no issues, I'm strong and have been exercising more, eating better and sleeping more. These are good, good things.
What about you? What makes you smile today?
the first thing that makes me smile right now is YOU dear Mikki! I feel we are somehow kindred spirits! As for guaccamole, who could argue? And what brand of bed do you have?? Keep your chins up and panties down! Have a smurffy day! :)